Have you ever noticed…
Your symptoms RESIST treatment?
•Waking up feeling tired
•Concentration and memory issues
•Persistent headaches
•Eyes, nose & throat irritations
•Shortness of breath
•Persistent skin rashes
•Recurring infections
There’s something NOT RIGHT at home?
•Toxic mould growing in water damaged buildings
•Powerful transmissions from nearby mobile phone towers
•Old homes harbouring lead dust and contaminated drinking water
•Poor ventilation trapping off-gassed chemicals & pesticides
•Discharge from past cigarette & methamphetamines use
A Building Biologist can help
A Building Biologist is a qualified professional who investigates the connection between health issues and your living environment. Did you know that 90% of our life is spent indoors!
What can a Building Biologist do?
•Uncover the cause of dampness and condensation
•Identify if toxic mould is growing and measure spore counts
•Measure Indoor Air Quality (VOC’s, CO, CO2, Allergens)
•Recommend the water filter suited to removing heavy metals and chemicals from your home
•Test for lead in dust, surfaces & soil where children and pets play
•Test for surfaces releasing methamphetamine build-up
•Uncover incorrect house wiring with high magnetic fields
•Test electromagnetic field strength in sleeping areas
•Design advice for building a Healthy Home
Take control of indoor health
Our body's immune system was perfectly adapted to our surrounding environment until the pace of industrialisation accelerated three generations ago.
The consumer products we buy harbour toxic industrial chemicals that off-gas and accumulate in our tightly sealed homes and workplaces. A narrow focus on energy efficiency has led to the proliferation of mould in new buildings which is the current subject of new legislation in Australia. The walls of our buildings do not defend us against harmful electromagnetic fields and through a lack of awareness we are buying and surrounding ourselves with even stronger sources indoors.
If you need advice on planning for the best start in life for the health of your children or you have a new construction project you would like optimised for good health then contact us. Existing indoor environments can also be assessed with specialist equipment to reveal the stressors to the immune system that lead to chronic ill health.
“ Dear James Poon
I would like to say a massive thank-you on behalf of myself and my daughter and her fiancé, on the outstanding work in testing our home that was storm damaged with mould issues. You came highly recommended to us and we are so lucky, if it wasn't for your detailed hard work in testing our home it might of had to be pulled down. We are so grateful that it was no problem to you at all to travel to Newcastle to conduct the testing, you were so professional but also very helpful and very kind to us. I would also like to thank you for going out of your way to find us a great remediation company as well, and you have also kept in touch with us to see how we are going which has meant a lot to us going through this difficult process. Thank-you so very much for everything you have done for us.
Sincerely DESLEY OWEN ”